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Clubs & Organizations

24-25 Student Clubs and Organizations

Art Club
Sponsor: Jill Lauer and Nicole Beckley           
Email: and           

This club is available for any student interested in art experience. There are opportunities for creating personal artwork as well as projects created for school and community. Members also run a series of Elementary Art Nights, which offer younger students the opportunity to extend their creativity. Travel opportunities, both domestic and international, are made available for students to get a new look at the world around them.

Complicated Games Club
Sponsor: Jacob Halter             

This club meets monthly (first Thursday) for any students interested in card, board, or role-playing games. Students may bring their own games or play games from Mr. Halter's library. Play is open to anyone interested in exploring the nerdy world of tabletop games.

Environmental Club
Sponsor: Rachel Carney and Sarah Dawson             
email: and

The Environmental Club is a place for students with a love of the outdoors and taking care of the Earth to meet, socialize, and engage with activities that nurture these passions.

Sponsor: David Zorn

CCAHS has its own gaming team.  Students can participate in any (or all) of the three seasons.  Spring of 2022 was our first competition season (Mario Kart).  This fall we will start the year with Smash Brothers.  All participation is in-house, at no cost.

Fall Play
Sponsor: Tom Milligan

Every fall the high school has a play. If a student is interested in the fine arts, there is usually a part for them, whether it be directing, designing, painting, or acting.  

Sponsor: Megan Overholser and Wendy Paiva
email: and

FCCLA, or Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, is the only youth organization with family as its central focus.  Youth are empowered to address personal, work and societal issues through individual and chapter projects. Involvement in FCCLA offers members the opportunity to expand their leadership potential and develop skills for life necessary in the home and workplace such as planning, goal setting, problem solving, decision making and interpersonal communication.

Sponsor: Laurel Keenan

Future Business Leaders of America is the training ground for the next generation of industry and community leaders. As the largest business Career and Technical Student Organization in the world, FBLA is the catalyst for success for hundreds of thousands of middle school, high school and college students each year

Sponsor: Alyssa Amelon
FFA Calendar

Students enrolled in an Agriculture class may join the Clear Creek Amana FFA. The FFA is a national youth leadership organization that focuses on making a positive difference in the lives of others through leadership opportunities, career development events and agriculture education. Monthly meetings are held at the high school and students can participate in a wide variety of local, district and state level contests.

Jazz Band
Sponsor: Christopher Copeland                                             

Jazz Band is a small ensemble which studies and performs jazz music at concerts and throughout the community. This band also competes in various festivals in the state. Membership is open only to current high school band members and are required to be at all rehearsals and performances.

Journal Club

30 minute journal club to help you get started, to brush up on techniques and to make connections.  An opportunity to expand understanding of creative arts and practice a skill to take with you anywhere. 

Math League
Sponsor: Katie Wilford

This club is for students who have a passion for mathematics. Students will be given multiple chances throughout the school year to compete either individually and/or as a team. There will be regular school meetings and the sponsor will guide students through different mathematical concepts and competition strategies. All materials will be provided.

National Honor Society
Sponsor: Alyssa Amelon                               
NHS Calendar

In order to be a member of NHS a student must have a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Juniors are approached in February if they qualify, then they submit the required application materials. Members are expected to uphold the NHS pillars of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Members must also complete the required community service and mentoring/tutoring hours in order to remain a member and graduate with honors. 

Pep Band
Sponsor: Christopher Copeland                             

The Pep Band is comprised of those students who wish to support CCA sports teams in the winter months. They perform at a variety of basketball games. Music for this group covers a wide variety of styles such as Latin, Rock, and Jazz.           

Sponsor: Christine Berlin and United Action for Youth

PLUS(People Learning Unconditional Support) club is an all inclusive GSA helping CCA students find a safe and fun space to express themselves and find community. This club is specifically for students who identify as LGBTQ but is open to allies within the school as well. Together we can create a safe and welcoming environment for all students!  We meet every Wednesday from 2:00-3:30.

Sponsor: Adam Cole

CCA Robotics is the district’s First Tech Challenge Robotics team. It is open to 7th through 12th grade students. Students compete in outreach, design, and programming to interact with the community, design a robot that can complete that season's challenge, and then program the robot so that it can be operated autonomously and by controller. 

Science Olympiad
Sponsors: Jesse DiLorenzo

Science Olympiad is a team competition where students compete in 'events' pertaining to various scientific disciplines. Some events require building/engineering skills for developing model bridges and airplanes. Others who are strong in content areas like anatomy, astronomy, or geology show off their knowledge on lab practical exams. Any science-minded students are welcome to be a part of the team!

Show Choir
Sponsor: Tracy Williams and Brittany Calloway
email: and

Show Choir is a mixed ensemble that combines the movement of dance and singing to perform a variety of music. This group performs for State contests, Show Choir competitions, and community groups. Membership is open to those students who are currently enrolled in the vocal music department. Auditions are held each year. Membership is not required for those wishing to be in the show band or stage crew.

Speech Team
Sponsor: Christine Berlin                           

Speech is a competitive extracurricular activity that takes place in two seasons, Large Group and Individual. Any student interested in drama, public speaking or just improving his/her communication skills in a fun environment is welcome to join.

Spring Musical
Sponsor: Tom Milligan and Tracy Williams
email: and

A musical is performed every Spring at Clear Creek Amana. There are several areas needed in a musical.  From actors, pit band, stage crew, lights, sound, costumes and promotions, it takes a large team to create a great production.  This is also a great way to meet people!

Student Assistance Team / INTERACT
Sponsor: Marissa Moore 

SAT/INTERACT is available for all students. This group partners with the local Rotary chapter and because of that shares a common mission: to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.

Student Council
Sponsor: Marissa Moore                           

Student council is a great opportunity to get involved in school as well as to provide help for students and community members! Students must apply, and gain signatures from teachers as references. Elected officials, within student council, will be voted upon by the council. Official office positions for the senior class will be voted upon by the senior class (at the conclusion of their junior year). Student council will help coordinate homecoming, Blood Drives with the U of Iowa DeGowin Blood Center, Sponsor A Family program - for families in our area/community, as well as other activities throughout the year.

Win With Wellness
Sponsor: Cam Stockman                           

Win with Wellness is open to all students at CCA interested in improving school/community health and wellness.  Win with Wellness typically meets once every 1-2 months.